Kyle | Fairbury High School | Nebraska High School Senior Pictures

I love when I get to take pictures of the second senior in a family. It’s always fun getting to know their personality and see how each sibling is different but in so many ways the same as their older sibling. Kyle is for sure different than his older sister, Madison and getting to know him through his senior portrait session was so much fun.

We started the session at their house near Fairbury, Nebraska on their farm. I was loving all of the neat little barns and beautiful scenery they had at their house. I don’t get to get out much and often 90% of the sessions I shoot are on farm and nature locations in the Wilber area since most of my clients booking come to me because they love what they see on my website. While at their yard, we talked about doing his sister’s senior pictures from a few years ago, caught up on what life’s been like the past year, predicted what the following school year would be like and even discussed future plans! While walking around their yard we picked a few spots that really seemed so perfect for Kyle’s senior pictures.

Backroads of Fairbury, Nebraska

Our first spot was near a tiny barn that was surrounded with tall grass and trees. I loved how the sun was shining as well as the tall grass in that area. Kyle was so patient with me getting my settings set-up and I promised him we’d make the evening short and sweet since it was so hot! When shooting a senior portrait session in the summer, sometimes we deal with over 90 degree heat so I always ask them to grab a few sets of clothes in case the outfit they’re wearing is showing sweat. While near that barn, we always try to maximize the amount of set-up’s and poses we do so we snuck over to the barn and did a few standing/sitting poses as well. The tin and white on the little barn was a fantastic natural reflector for us to get some quick shots.

Our next location for their senior session was on a beautiful gravel road over north and east of Fairbury, Nebraska near Powell and Gilead area. I felt like I was in a totally different world over there!! Jackie, Kyle’s mom, said she rides her bike out that way often and minus the hills, I totally would too! The ground even had sand in it making the entire area look like something not in southeast Nebraska. Kyle brought his truck to take pictures with and we swapped out a few shirts to mix up the looks a little more. I loved that the trees created a canopy look for us to sneak into some shade and then we got to work capturing some magic shots of him.

Our last spot was at a pond near his grandpa’s house. He grew up fishing there and it was so fitting we ended with the sunset at that pond for some quick shots before the storm clouds moved in. What I love about doing water pictures with seniors is that we always finish our sessions up at sunset and the water always looks like glass. Typically the water is calm, and every pond or lake in Nebraska then reflects back those gorgeous sunsets we all love!